Press Releases

Announcing the Reed & Barton Virtual Archive

The Old Colony History Museum (OCHM) is proud to announce the launch of the Reed & Barton Virtual Archive, an exciting new online resource that brings the rich history of Taunton’s famed silver industry to audiences worldwide.

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In the Media

Treasures Inside the Museum: The Old Colony History Museum in Taunton, MA, chronicles the long history of Southeastern Massachusetts, including a military collection, paintings and textiles.

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It Happens Here: Staff Dog Becoming Star Attraction At Taunton’s Old Colony History Museum

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ECAT and Community Forum Presents King Philip’s War Panel

Join Ed Hands, Marion Wingfield, David Ames, and OCHM Board Member Eric Schultz as they discuss King Philip and his battle in the region that touches the town of Easton. Filmed at Old Colony History Museum on March 23, 2023.

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Taunton World War II POW Camp Tried to Become Home of the United Nations

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Growing Local History: The OCHM Garden 

New England Museums Now is NEMA’s premier publication. Formerly known as NEMA News, it’s the journal of the New England museum field. Each issue provides an in-depth exploration of a topical issue, plus the latest happenings, opportunities, and insights in museums today. The OCHM was featured in the Fall 2021 edition, highlighting our Growing Local History project.

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Did you know Old Colony History Museum has a staff dog? Meet Jean Luc Barkard.

Jean Luc Barkard, “staff dog” at the Old Colony History Museum in Taunton, knows by now being a staff dog is not unlike being a house dog, and the work is just as easy: eating treats, stealing attention, making new friends, sniffing around snoozing away in the downtime.

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Making cookies the old-fashioned way with A Taste of Old Colony History

Taunton’s Old Colony History Museum recently began its A Taste of Old Colony History series with the iconic Toll House recipe, and it was a sweet success.

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STOKED IN TAUNTON: The History of the Glenwood Stove

An article published in edible South Shore & South Coast by Old Colony History Museum President William F. Hanna in January 2017.

The Taunton Industrial Park That Was Once A POW Camp

Historian William Hanna shares his knowledge of Taunton’s Camp Myles Standish for WGBH’s series on hidden history.
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