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The history of the administration of John Adams, Esq.. late president of the United States.

973.44 W876

1. U.S.--Hist.--Constitutional period, 1780-1809. 2. Adams, John, pres, U.S., 1735-1826.

John Wood

John Wood

New York



This book was printed and ready for publication in December, 1801, but was suppressed at the instigation of Aaron Burr as being incorrect and also libelous. Overtures were made to the publishers, Messrs. Barlas and Ward, by Burr and his friends, for the purchase of the edition, and it was finally given up to them. The book was subsequently issued ... When ... placed on sale a new title-page was added bearing the imprint, 'New York printed 1802'."--Tomkins, Bibl. Jeffersonian, 1887, no. 279.